Feehan Art Club Participates in "High Art" exhibit at the Attleboro Arts Museum

This year's Attleboro Arts Museum "High Art" exhibition will feature collaborative art from 14 local high schools and is on display until June 1. The theme of this year’s event is “Elemental”, which features artwork that considers the periodic table, the seven elements of art, the power of nature, and more.

The opening reception and awards ceremony will be held on Wednesday, May 17 from 6:30-8:00 pm, and is free and open to all. The Attleboro Arts Museum has invited artist Steven Wiseman to serve as the juror for the exhibition and the awards will be announced during the opening ceremony.

Congratulations to Feehan Art Club Students on their collaboration: Marco Fraone '23, Myles Flores '26, Julia Pratt '26, Chloe Bruce '26, Rachel Akins '26, Neve Constantine '26, Olivia Guglielmi '25, Nicholas Urbanek '24, Grace Clarke '24, Lauren Hanley '23, Chelsy Mazariegos '26, Brian Parkinson '26, Leo Arias '26, Brayden Ferland '25, Nicole McCormack '24, and Sarah Barretto '26

Feehan Art "Elemental"

Bishop Feehan Art Club Artist Statement:

The theme “Elemental” brought to mind a juxtaposition of the industrial and wasteful presence of mankind, to the power of nature. From behind, an eerie red glow creates a bleak silhouette against a crumbling cityscape. Underneath, an inverted landscape of a mountain and waterfall pops with bright colors. The vines coming out of the wall and traveling from the bottom mountain scene into the cityscape above shows nature healing and overcoming the negative effects of humanity. We had discussions about climate change and how we, as humans, are affecting the Earth in the long term whether we feel the effects ourselves or not. Our sculpture was constructed of mostly recycled or found materials in keeping with the idea of human overconsumption and the need for us to be more conscious of our environment and the Earth as a whole.
